Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone
The Wagin/Woodanilling Landcare Zone was formed in 1999 based on bio-physical boundaries but offering services to all landholders within the two Shires. It has maintained a close relationship with the South West Catchment Council, who assists by attracting financial and technical support, as well as coordinating local priorities into a regional strategy.
Since 1999, in excess of $1,000,000 of funding grants has been allocated to projects that improve land and water quality, with total investment exceeding $3,000,000. Works include establishing perennial pastures and crops, surface and groundwater harvesting, biodiversity plantations, aquaculture, regeneration of saline landscapes, protection of existing vegetation and fauna, community education on various topics and more.
Our People
Zone Manager - Gen Harvey
Wagin Office
Open Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm 62 Tudhoe Street (PO Box 311) Wagin 6315
Wednesdays Gen visits the Woodanilling Shire Office.
Ph: 9861 2222
Mobile: 0428 231 506
E-mail: wwlandcare@westnet.com.au
Management Committee
The Zone Committee is the driving force behind all of our activities and is made up of stakeholders from the community, landholders, agency and local government representation. We work with our Zone Action Plan which identifies community goals and targets for managing our assets including remnant vegetation, waterways, water quality, sustainable agriculture and people.
We meet when required (approx. every couple of months) to discuss incentive funding, community programs, community engagement and staying in touch with up to date information in regards to everything in natural resource management.
Our Mission Statement Is:
“to foster a culture of community ownership and commitment to innovative and sustainable management and development of the environmental resources in the WWLZ to improve the quality of life for current and future generations”
Our staff positions are funded by regional support programmes funded by South West Catchments Council and the valuable partnership of the Zone and Shires of Wagin and Woodanilling.
Gen has an extensive network of information and contacts, to assist with all Landcare and agricultural issues. The following lists the most common services:
- natural resource management information
- farm planning support
- digital farm mapping
- catchment planning
- regional strategies
- cost / benefit analysis
- funding
- project developments
- grant applications
- access to technical advice
- management options
- hydrology
- pastures
- biodiversity
- technical assessments
- soil & water testing
- monitoring planning & coordination
- bulk ordering
- seedlings
- piezometer drilling
- fencing materials
- vegetation species selection
- Environmental weed ID & management
- Waste management
- Water conservation
- Workshops, seminars & field trips
- Training & courses
- Group coordination & administration
- Community & school group projects
For additional information or particular matter please contact us.
Red Tailed Phascogale

We are incredibly lucky to be the home of a small mammal known as the Red Tailed Phascogale (phascogale calura). The Red Tailed Phascogale is an endangered species. This species was formerly widely distributed across semi-arid Australia, but now only survives in the Western Australian wheat belt - and has been relocated from our area to reserves in other locations to preserve the species should anything happen to the south west population– it appears relatively abundant in suitable habitat in areas of wandoo and rock-oak from Brookton to Wagin.
They often come into houses in towns and on farms in the Wagin and surrounding areas to nest and forage for insects.
The Wagin Woodanilling Landcare Zone has some great projects running to research the habitat, activities and habits of this amazing little creature. We also hope to increase community awareness and hope to help understand the declining of this species and help them maintain habitat in the area. We have community sighting forms available and are learning new facts about this creature every day.
Nesting boxes are available to anyone who has sighted Red Tailed Phascogale on their property, or would like to install one to see if they are present. The boxes have also been utilised by bats and other small mammals.
For more information contact us on wwlandcare@westnet.com.au or 9861 2222.
Noxious Weeds 
A community register of noxious weeds dstribution is kept at the Shire Office, and control of noxious weeds is a high priority. A Weed Strategy has been developed and Bridal Creeper has been identified as a priority weed in the Shire.
Recently, the Shire has received $14,700 NHT funding to assist with our ongoing chemical and biological control program for Bridal Creeper.
Publications Available
We have a huge library of information available from making your garden frog-friendly to how to maximise saltland pasture production. We consider ourselves as a strong link to networks of agencies, professionals and the right people for natural resource management.
How You Can Help
The Shire have actively progressed to reduce the amount of Noxious weeds within its boundaries and reserves. The list below shows some common weeds:
Landcare information
| Name | Description | Flowering System | Commonly Found |
G R A S S E S |
POACEAE, Avena fatua - Wild Oat |
Tufted grass to 1m high. Loosely branched inflorescence has large drooping spikelets each with 2 or 3 florets |
spring |
disturbed bushland & roadsides |
POACEAE, Hordeum leporinum - Barley Grass |
Grasses with an unbranched bristly head or prominently long-awned spikelets 3-10cm long |
spring |
widespread as weeds of crops and roadsides |
H E R B S |
ASTERACEAE, Dittrichia graveolens - Stinkwort |
Sticky erect annual herb with an unpleasant smell when crushed. Greatly branched leafy flowering stem to 50cm high arising from a basal rosette of leaves. Small flower heads are yellow, with small outer radiating petal-like florets. Tiny fruits are topped with a ring of bristles |
late summer to early winter |
common weed in pasture, roadsides and waste land (Stinkwort can cause stock loss and dermatitis) |
POLYGONACEAE, Emex australis - Doublegee, Spiny Emex
ground hugging with ovate leaves 2-7cm long. The greenish inconspicuous flowers are in small clusers. Fruit is woody with 3 rigid sharp spines |
spring |
widespread serious weed in agriculture and waste land |
IRIDACEAE, Moraea flaccida - One-leaved Cape Tulip
Single sprawling basal leaf to 70cm long, produced annual from a small corm. Short lived pink to orange flowers, with 6 petals 3-4cm long. Prior to flowering Cape Tulip can be recognised by browning-off of the leaf tips |
late winter and spring |
a weed of pasture, roadsides and disturbed bushland (toxic to stock) |
OXALIDACEAE, Oxalis pes-caprae - Soursob |
Tubers and bulbs with clusters of yellow flowers radiating from a tall stalk held above a tuft of long stalked heart shaped leaves, sometimes with dark marks |
much of the year, mainly winter and spring |
gardens, crops and pasture also along roadsides |
OXALIDACEAE, Oxalis purpurea - Four’O’Clock |
Rosettes of leaves arising from a bulb, the leaflets may be tinged purple on the underside. The flowers occur singly and are usually pink to purple with a yellow throat |
much of the year, mainly winter and spring |
gardens, crops and pasture also along roadsides |
POLYGONACEAE, Polygonum aviculare - Wireweed |
ground hugging herb with oval leaves 5-12mm long. In the leaf axils are small clusters of pink-tinged flowers 2-3mm long. Fruits are small and 3 angled, enclosed in withered flower |
autumn and spring pastures |
roadsides and waste land |
V I N E S |
ASPARAGACEAE, Asparagus asparagoides - Bridal Creeper |
climber with wiry stems arising from tuberous roots and sprawling aggressively for several metres, and climbing into trees. Shiny heart-shaped leaves up to 7cm long. Small white flowers occur all along the stems, 6 free petals about 5mm long. Fruits are red fleshy berries up to 1cm across |
spring roadsides |
native reserves |