Our Council

Shire President Dale Douglas 2017 - Present
Mobile: 0429 231 586 Email:crdouglas@woodanilling.wa.gov.au

Deputy Shire President Russel Thomson 1982 - Present
Mobile: 0419 950 217 Email: kunmallup@bigpond.com

Councillor Bev Smith 2021 - Present
Mobile: 0449 933 613 Email: crsmith@woodanilling.wa.gov.au

Councillor Ian Garstone 2023 - Present
Mobile: 0407 231 511 Email: roundpoolfarm@gmail.com

Councillor Rodney Marshall 2023 - Present
Mobile: 0437 014 941 Email: crmarshall@woodanilling.wa.gov.au

Councillor Kahlia Stephens 2023 - Present
Mobile: 0439 754 391 Email: crstephens@woodanilling.wa.gov.au
All posted correspondence addressed to PO Box 99, Woodanilling WA 6316 |
Council Committees
Audit Committee
Meets: As Required
Members: Full Council
Local Government Regulation16: Audit committee, functions of
An audit committee —
(a) is to provide guidance and assistance to the local government —
(i) as to the carrying out of its functions in relation to audits carried out under Part 7 of the Act; and
(ii) as to the development of a process to be used to select and appoint a person to be an auditor;
(b) may provide guidance and assistance to the local government as to —
(i) matters to be audited; and
(ii) the scope of audits; and
(iii) its functions under Part 6 of the Act; and
(iv) the carrying out of its functions relating to other audits and other matters related to financial management; and
(c) is to review a report given to it by the CEO under regulation 17(3) (the CEO’s report) and is to —
(i) report to the council the results of that review; and
(ii) give a copy of the CEO’s report to the council.
Transport, Plant and Works Committee
Consider matters relative to transport issues, road works, plant replacement and repairs.
Community Development Committee
Consider matters relevant to public halls, recreation and sport, library, heritage (other than natural heritage), other cultural issues, housing, town planning, protection of the environment (natural heritage), sanitation and refuse, public conveniences, cemetery, rural services, tourism, building control, other economic services, governance issues, financial matters, health services, education, fire protection, animal control, other law order and public safety issues including local
"Council and Community – Hand in Hand"
In dealing with individuals, landowners, the community and organisations the Council will:
- Be fair;
- Be honest, open and accountable;
- Respect the views and rights of individuals and groups;
- Be receptive as everyone in the community counts;
- Will recognise the increased awareness that a small community brings.
- Will provide an atmosphere of energy, excitement, optimism and positiveness.
- Will facilitate group discussion and help to overcome stumbling blocks and conflict.
The Shire of Woodanilling aspires to:
- Be the best Local Government for our community
- Work hand in hand with our community
- Be a leader of small local governments
- Fostering community spirit and cohesion
- Excellent customer service
- Provision of high quality facilities and services
- Representing community views at an influential level
Belinda Knight